Ahmed Aldweek/Followers Questions
HR Circles Latest Questions
Poll Results
75%Yes ( 3 voters )
25%Sometimes ( 1 voter )
Based On 4 Votes
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100%Yes ( 3 voters )
Based On 3 Votes
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100%No ( 2 voters )
Based On 2 Votes
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Poll Results
100%Yes ( 2 voters )
Based On 2 Votes
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Poll Results
0%We are recruiting more than ever before.
33.33%We have see employees going for jobs with better pay and care packets ( 1 voter )
66.67%Our recruitment drive is about the same as this time last year. ( 2 voters )
0%Our recruitment drive has significantly stagnated since Covid19 spread
0%We have put recruitment on hold until after Covid19 spread
Based On 3 Votes
yes. if they can assign them work, manager them and evaluate them remotely then they can fire them remotely.
yes. if they can assign them work, manager them and evaluate them remotely then they can fire them remotely.
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